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This release includes AppCOE IDE, Cross-OS Development Platform, OS Abstractor, OS Changer Porting Kit, RTOS Simulator, Linux OK, OS Version UpKit, App/Platform Profiler.
For a Free Trial of Ada-C/C++ Changer and/or any other programming language conversion tools, please contact

Please make sure to download the AppCOE package that matches the processor of the target platform. For instance, if your target is Linux 32-bit, then you need AppCOE Linux 32-bit package. AppCOE 32-bit packages will work on 64-bit Linux or Windows host platforms (but not vice versa).
You are downloading MapuSoft’s cross-OS platform IDE (AppCOE). AppCOE will allow you to view demonstrations of MapuSoft’s products. If you wish to conduct a free trial (with your software), please fill the form to get a free trial license key.

Application Common Operating Environment
Application Common Operating Environment (AppCOE™) is a framework of common architecture that promotes code interoperability and cross_os_platform capabilities among systems and devices. It is built on the powerful open source Eclipse-based framework and integrates all of MapuSoft’s tools. Embedded software’s C/C++ and Ada applications can be standardized on AppCOE to allow the applications to interoperate and run seamlessly on a single platform.
Introduction to AppCOE
Please fill out the form for a free trial license key
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