MapuSoft’s Academic Program (MAP) is a one-of-a-kind educational program that makes available simulated operating systems for all the major commercial embedded real-time operating systems. No other company licenses more than their own operating system which leaves educational institutions with few choices for their students. MapuSoft’s OS Simulator™ is available for ten major embedded operating systems. Students at most institutions develop code for a single operating system. Therefore, students are not getting experience developing applications for the operating systems that their future employers will use and require. OS Simulator allows students to get experience developing embedded applications for operating systems used within all industries..
OS Simulator is an easy to use and inexpensive tool that allows students to develop software for the following commercial RTOS’s:
• VxWorks® (from Wind River Systems) • Nucleus® (from Mentor Graphics) • ThreadX® (from Express Logic) • micro-ITRON • FreeRTOS™ (from Real Time Engineers Ltd) |
• Linux®/POSIX
• Windows® (from Microsoft)
• µC/OS™ (from Micrium)
• pSOS® (from Wind River Systems)
• OS Abstractor® (from Mapusoft Technologies)

Below are a few testimonials from educational institutions:

University of Waterloo:

VIT University:

National Institute of Technology Calicut:

Centurion University of Technology and Management:

Georgia Institute of Technology:
Here are a few Major Advantages of the MAP Program:
- Managing the teaching lab environment is much easier with OS Simulator
- OS Simulators are much less expensive than licensing proprietary OS tools from vendors
- OS Simulator greatly reduces the requirement to purchase hardware (hardware is only needed for validation, not development)
- Includes a graphical Profiler to gather application performance data like execution timing and usage of OS function calls
- Includes OS Abstractor module to help teach students RTOS concepts.